Statistics 154/254: Modern Statistical Prediction and Machine Learning

UC Berkeley, Spring 2025

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Instructor: Ryan Giordano
Ryan Giordano
Office: 389 Evans Hall
Office hours:
pronouns: He / him

GSI: Erez Buchweitz
Erez Buchweitz
Office: Evans Hall
Office hours: TBD
pronouns: He / him


If you are a concurrent enrollment student hoping to enroll in the class, I hope you will be able to join us!

In the meantime, please join BCourses and hand in your assignments as if you were enrolled. We will not retoractively waive assignments that were due prior to being enrolled in the class. Preference will be given to students who are demonstrably participating in the class.

Please reach out to Erez if you need to be manually added to BCourses.

This website will contain lecture materials and assignments. Day-to-day announcements and discussion will be found in ED. (See links above.)


Lectures will be held Jan 22 2025 – May 02 2025 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, in Lewis 9.

Labs will be held on Fridays from 2:00pm – 4:00pm and 4:00pm – 6:00pm in Evans 344.

(Link to official course calendar.)


The course will be based largely on a subset of the following texts:

Leture notes and additional reading will supplement these texts as necessary.

Some other good sources of reading material are


Mathematical statistics, probability, linear algebra, multivariate calculus, and Python are all prerequisites.

For assistance with mathematics prerequisites, the Student Learning Center provides additional assistance.

A summary of the required linear algebra skills can be found here.